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SHOFCO’s Flood Relief

‎‎ ‎May of 2024 brought with it flooding disasters that decimated many of the communities we serve. In the span of a few weeks, Kenya received 6 months worth of rain, much of which found no purchase in our drought ridden country. Run-off was severe, entire informal settlements were plagued with pit latrine overflow, carrying disease and human waste throughout people’s homes and community centers. In addition, thousands of forced displacements due to government mandates left Kenyans with no home, no place to go, and no means of stability. Torrential rains overran riverbeds, wiping out homes and roads. Major national roads were flooded causing traffic jams and preventing people from fleeing from impacted areas.

An estimated 300 people have died as a result of the floods with another 200,000 displaced from their homes.


Select “Pay Bill” from the M-Pesa menu

Enter the SHOFCO business number 821815

Enter the Account Number “Flood relief”

Enter the amount you wish to give.

Bank Transfer

Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank

Branch: Kenyatta Avenue

Account Name: Shining Hope for Communities

Account Number: 0102827914800

Swift/Sort Code: SCBLKENXXX

In-Kind Drop Off

Kibera School for Girls – SHOFCO Main office – Joab Oluoch – 0726411361 & Victoria  Jaoko – 0708873481

Kibera – SHOFCO Olympic Office – Joab Oluoch – 0726411361

SHOFCO Mathare – Gideon Obiero – 0714827263

SHOFCO Utalii Office – Vitalis Otieno – 0724025922


Katherine Potaski, Chief Advancement Officer

WhatsApp: +1 (347) 489-6465

Our Flooded Communities

Immediately upon the outset of flooding, SHOFCO was able to mobilize and facilitate support for our communities and over 100k affected individuals in more than 30 counties. Community leaders in the SHOFCO Urban Network (SUN) were mobilized to lead rescue efforts and identify households in need of safe shelter. We immediately began providing on the ground resources in the form of food essentials such as flour, lentils, tea and sugar, as well as blankets, mattresses, and temporary housing. To support these efforts we tapped 40 of our CBO partners to coordinate relief efforts.

With the support of partners, we have scaled our efforts, providing 7,500 households with food packages (maize, sugar, cooking oil) and bedding (mattress and blankets) and, where needed, cooking stoves and mosquito nets. In addition, we have distributed over 1,000 dignity kits with menstrual hygiene products as well as another 200 packs of pampers and wet wipes for babies. At the community level we will provide aquatabs to purify water sources that may have been contaminated as well as disinfect open drains that were flooded. We continue to look to provide water bowers that will dispense clean water to three informal settlements in Nairobi along with handwashing stations.